ECO-CAR University Team

Applied Science University

Applied Science Private University (ASU) began its education on 19/10/1991, after obtaining the license on 10/7/1989.It is the first university in Jordan to receive the Quality Assurance Certificate in Education, Scientific Research and Community Service - Golden Level. In addition, it is the first private university in Jordan and the Middle East to receive a QS 4 star ranking issued by the QS Rating, evaluated according to education, scientific research, faculty efficiency and the employment rate of the graduates. The American Engineering and Technology Programs Accreditation Authority (ABET) has approved all five engineering programs that are subject to evaluation in the College of Engineering, and thus will be the first engineering college among the private universities that have received international American accreditation. The University provides its students and the community with training courses offered by the Center for Studies and Consultations in cooperation with distinguished training centers with international credentials that link theory with application. The University provides scientific laboratories with the latest equipment, which number has exceeded 160 laboratories. In addition to the workshop rooms, operators and drawing. The total area of the university buildings is about 11,600 square meters. Approximately 5862 students are currently enrolled in the University. They belong to approximately 53 Arab, Islamic and foreign countries. The number of majors taught by these Faculties is 31, at the bachelor level, in addition to 7 Masters Programs; the number of faculty members for the academic year 2018/2019 is 216 members, including 175 members holding a PhD. The number of scholarship offered by the University is standing at 137, offered to students seeking to obtain a PhD degree from American, Canadian, British, Australian and other prestigious universities.



Dr. Mohammad Bani Khaled

Project Coordinator

Assistant Professor at the  Mechanical and Industrial Engineering department

Dr. Mohammad Bani Khaled Bio.pdfDr. Mohammad Bani Khaled Bio.pdf

Dr. Ayman A. Abu baker

Team Member

Full Professor at Faculty of Engineering

Dr. Ayman A. Abu baker Bio.pdfDr. Ayman A. Abu baker Bio.pdf

Dr. Hanan Saleet

Team Member

Associate Professor at the Mechanical and Industrial Engineering department

Dr. Hanan Saleet Bio.pdfDr. Hanan Saleet Bio.pdf

Eng. Feda’ Yousef

Team Member

Grants Officer and International Relations Coordinator

Eng. Feda’ Yousef Bio.pdfEng. Feda’ Yousef Bio.pdf

Eng Ayham Alraoush

Team Member

Technical Instructor in Hybrid Vehicles and Electric Vehicles Maintenance

Eng Ayham Alraoush Bio.pdfEng Ayham Alraoush Bio.pdf

Eng. Waseem Zyad Sha’ban

Team Member

Lab Engineer at the Mechanical and Industrial Engineering Department​

Eng. Waseem Zyad Sha’ban Bio.pdfEng. Waseem Zyad Sha’ban Bio.pdf

مشروع دبلوم التدريب المهني على المركبات الكهربائية والهجينة / ECO-CAR

هاتف: (962)6 535-50-00

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